Trường Đại học Sư phạm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Ho Chi Minh City University of Education
ED Reading Room
The ED Reading Room is open to all students of English Department as a place to self-study, do group work, host club events, etc. The reading room is more than just a reading space; it is also a collaborative workspace for students of the English department. Student-run clubs such as the department’s English club, social work club, and music club can register to use this area for holding team meetings and workshops.
Address: B607, An Duong Vuong Campus
Opening time:
Morning: 08.00-11.00 AM
Afternoon: 01.30-4.30 PM
Availability and registration
Books for EDers
English Department's library holds a collection of books that both staff and students can access. Alongside the resources of the library of the HCMUE, students and staff can browse the bookshelves here to find hundreds of titles that are relevant to the modules they take.
Click HERE to browse the library's catalogue
Click HERE to register your book loan from the ED library
*You must use your student account to access these links.